Wednesday 8 August 2012


The advert opens with a medium shot of two idiotic guys in a trolley. They are dressed in speedos with floats around their waists

The camera zooms out and a hatchback car is seen driving away from the scene. The car is attached to the trolley with ropes. The trolley is situated in front of a make-shit slingshot.

The scene then moves to an “over the shoulder” shot of the main characters, showing their perspective of what is below him.

The view is of a large, wooden makeshift ramp that curves at the end of it on a large field. The ramp looks far from stable with nails protruding from it and duct tape wrapped around various parts in an attempt to keep it together.

The camera pans up to a wide-angle shot revealing a rowdy crowd cheering on the main character.

The two men in the trolley then scream into the camera in excitement.

The camera then cuts to a medium shot of a guy who is holding a machete. He gives a ‘thumbs up’ to the camera and chops the rope.


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