Wednesday 8 August 2012


Natural daylight, basically whatever the weather on that day and the “handy camera” we will be using produce when combined.

We will use extreme angles that will give the audience a feel of what the main character is experiencing including his movements and emotions. These include, “over the shoulder” angles, angles moving from “high to low” emphasising the intensity and depth of the stunt. Medium shots of the “crowd” will be included as well.

Natural colours that the environment we are in offer e.g. green trees, brown sand etc. In our case it will be the colours of the field we are filming on.

Tone :
The tone would be grainy, with that home video type of tone.

Styling :
Casual, everyday clothes will be worn e.g. caps, beanies, shorts, vests, etc. Colours such as red, white, blues and black, caps, beanies, shorts, vests

Logo Placement- Somewhere appropriate, yet unconventional ensuring that it is clear to the audience.

We’ll apply a film grain to give it that amateur, homemade effect, in keeping with the “realistic” style we are going for. This will include the integration of the logo, which will be placed appropriately, but as unconventional as possible e.g. shaved onto the back of an individual’s head. A soundtrack will also be included, which will have to go with the whole tone and feel of the advert and the characters in it for e.g. something with a youthful, carefree sound to it that is relevant e.g. hip hop or indie music. Filter’s will be added as well in postproduction.

Character description
Main guy in trolley
Guy driving car
Guy with machete
Two guys pulling trolley
Crowd, whoever is around to witness the stupidity.

Examples of project x videos, creative brief, treatment, sample of track we’re using or something similar e.g. ace of spades, storyboard, script

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